In a groundbreaking move, Honda collaborated with CXM to launch Honda DreamLab, a unique lifestyle-focused Twitch channel, marking a pioneering step for automakers in the digital space. Honda's DreamLab channel, with CXM's expertise, focuses on three core themes: collaboration, conversation, and competition, appealing to a broader, lifestyle-oriented audience. The channel features innovative programming like 'Dream It Yourself (DIY),' a crafting challenge, 'Power Of,' a pop culture discussion series, and 'Dashboard DJs,' a live DJ competition, all aimed at connecting with new, young car buyers. This strategic partnership showcases CXM's proficiency in diversifying content to reach beyond traditional gaming audiences on platforms like Twitch. Our role in this venture underscores our capability to align with Honda's vision, innovatively leveraging livestreaming to establish a stronger lifestyle positioning and tapping into the interests of Gen Z consumers. The success of Honda DreamLab, demonstrated by its growing follower base and high viewership, is a testament to CXM's skill in producing content that resonates with diverse and dynamic audiences, showcasing our potential to assist major brands in expanding their digital footprint effectively.